ASGCA Insights
ASGCA “Insights” features discussions with men and women who are making a positive difference in the golf industry. The challenges facing all aspects of golf are many and varied, but so are the people working each day to meet those challenges head on. “Insights” provides perspective and information that details what folks are experiencing today and gives thought to what the future may hold for the game and industry.
ASGCA Insights
ASGCA Insights with Jan Bel Jan
Season 1
Episode 6
ASGCA President Jan Bel Jan talks about the changing roles of women in leadership in the golf industry, as well as what she is hearing from her peers at the highest levels of the game. “There is recognition that this is the best time to make changes because we are forced to change. And it should be done with thoughtfulness. Do not make decisions irrationally and then end up regretting them because we did not take the time to think about them.”